Class recap:
- Michael announced that next week he’ll be away and we’ll have a guest lecturer who specializes in creating public gaming experiences.
- Mikey, Amy, Michie, Mini, Jeff and Hanna presented their tech reports.
- Michael had individual meetings with each group to review project status and create plans for completing projects.
This week you will do your second iteration based on what we talked about in class.
- Write a series of goals that you want to understand through your testing. Go back to your original goals and parameters to make sure that they are aligned.
- Take a photo or plan of the location that you are working in and highlight the spaces that you are activating.
- First set up your second iteration at SVA IXD floor let it run for at least 24 hours, ideally 48.
- Set it up at the actual location and document
- Write an analysis of your findings
Please post documentation no later than Sunday, 11/9 and file it under the Final project – week 3 category.
Sam W., Sneha, and Sunnie are scheduled to present their tech research reports next week as well.