‘Zero Food Waste 101’ was an experimental graphic assignment I did from The Advanced Fundamentals of Graphic class. The goal was to raise awareness about food waste and inspire others while trying not to waste food for myself. I saved 7 days of food waste and take a photo of each day’s. I created icons of elements that are related to each food such as water, time, tools, ingredients, etc. Putting this project to MTA subway stations is a great opportunity since it’s where people can see more campaign ads. The trick is make it look like a gourmet restaurant ad. When people come to make a reservation, they will see what’s the ad is really about. You can see the work here.
Category Archives: Projects
Karen’s Quick Indie Project: Plantstation
Make the city yours is an idea I heard of while visiting Smiling Hogshead Ranch over the summer. The Ranch started off as a guerrilla garden, a form of direct action to reclaim the commons. This made me think about the ways in which design can alter public spaces in the modern city. Specifically, what ways can design be used to intervene and transform mundane spaces into something more dynamic and more human for its inhabitants? Here’s my quick attempt at addressing this situation.
Filed under Quick Indie Project
Tingting’s Quick Indie Project
Click here to review it from Dropbox.
Filed under Quick Indie Project
HobsonCard is an alarm clock that imposes a specified consequence (for instance, finding a random outgoing SMS in your phone’s archive and tweeting it to the world) if you fail to swipe into your designated subway station before a certain time each weekday morning. See here.
Filed under Quick Indie Project
Max’s Quick Indie Project
My “Quick Indie Project” can be found here.
Filed under Quick Indie Project, Weekly Assignments
Quick Indie Project – Datrianna Meeks
Here is my Quick Indie Project on Dropbox.
Filed under Quick Indie Project
Team Jared – First Prototype
Check out our presentation here:
Filed under Final project – first prototype
Team Tapper — First Prototype
Team members: Effy, Sunnie, Luke, and Amy / 3rd Place: Barcade
[Click to enlarge photos]
From mapping out our Barcade users, we noticed that a lot of the “craft beer connoisseurs” tend to stay by the bar area and very rarely venture out to the video games side, given an exception or two and so we wanted to quickly test if we could get a beer goer to become a gamer, by pairing a selection of their daily beers with a video game, just like how restaurants pair wine and food. We paired how a video game is played and the taste of the beer, for example a slow-paced “thinking” video game would go nicely with a heavy beer like Guinness, which is meant to be enjoyed in sips versus the Daytona video game would go with a lighter beer that is easier to down.
Filed under Final project – first prototype, Projects