
NYU Interactive Telecommunication Program

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communications

Networked Objects
This course explores the possibilities and challenges of designing alternate physical network interfaces. In physical computing, students learn how to make devices that respond to a wide range of human physical actions. This class builds on that knowledge, covering methods for making interfaces talk to each other. Topics discussed will include: ubiquitous computing, designing for communication, data visualization, metaphor and symbolism in physical objects, and social networks through interactive objects.

Assistive Technology Workshop
This course is an advanced workshop to Developing Assistive Technology. Prior to entering the course, students have already identified a clinical need and client population and have an idea or project already in development. Students are expected to present this project description on the first day of class. Students work together with the class and the instructor to develop a production plan for their project. Class meetings will consist of critique and feedback sessions on individual and group projects. Students are expected to show their project multiple times during the semester, test the project in stages and collect data from their user testing, as well as develop appropriate research, documentation, and a literature review.

Rethinking the Switch
This class focuses on the unsung hero in physical computing – the switch – and the potential applications beyond it’s typical ‘on or off’ role. Students will examine a variety of switches and contexts in which they’re used, particularly in assistive technology, where they serve a crucial role for communication. We will begin by looking at the role of the switch in our life, and its integral role in nearly everything we do. We will then survey and study the use of switches in assistive technology, and consider how the interface, input and feedback may be enhanced and improved to support more responsive, expressive communication. Students will develop their own switches, designed to facilitate communication, which can be adapted to a variety of uses and user needs. We will also study the “back-end” of the switch, in order to facilitate understanding and innovation in switch development. Students will learn how to interpret data from switches, covering topics such as ranging, pattern recognition, responsiveness, and de-bouncing

Developing Assistive Technology
Co-taught with Anita Perr Professor of Occupational therapy, this multi-disciplinary course allows students from a variety of backgrounds to work together to develop assistive technology. Partnering with outside organizations students will work in teams to identify a clinical need relevant to a certain clinical site or client population, and learn the process of developing an idea and following that through to the development of a prototype product. Teams will be comprised of ITP students as well as graduate rehabilitation, physical and occupational therapy students.

Introduction to Physical Computing
This course expands the students’ palette for physical interaction design with computational media. We look away from the limitations of the mouse, keyboard and monitor interface of today’s computers, and start instead with the expressive capabilities of the human body. We consider uses of the computer for more than just information retrieval and processing, and at locations other than the home or the office. The platform for the class is a microcontroller, a single-chip computer that can fit in your hand. The core technical concepts include digital, analog and serial input and output. Core interaction design concepts include user observation, affordances, and converting physical action into digital information.

New York City College Of Technology (CUNY)


Entertainment Video Systems
Provides a theoretical and practical foundation in temporary and permanent video systems technology for entertainment applications such as theatre, corporate events, hotel/ballroom A/V work, theme parks, museums and other related applications. After an introduction to video signals and formats, the student will explore the application and use of a wide variety of video equipment, such as tape- and disc-based video playback devices, production switchers, scan converters, frame synchronizers and video projectors. The second half of the class will focus on practical applications, and thestudent will design and build video systems for live events and permanent installations and will evaluate the performance of these systems with the aid of test signals and video test equipment.

Basic Electricity for Live Entertainment
An introduction to and overview of the use of electricity in live entertainment. Voltage, current, power and resistance are introduced, and Ohm’s and Watts’ laws are covered, using practical examples from the entertainment field. Power generation and distribution, three phase power and the National Electric Code sections pertaining to live entertainment are covered. Specific applications for lighting, sound, video, scenic automation will be used throughout the class.

Entertainment Control Systems
Co-taught with professor John Huntington, an introduction to the basics of entertainment control systems, which underlie systems in sound, lighting, machinery, video, projection, pyrotechnics and other entertainment disciplines. The course starts with basic control concepts and data communications. Once the groundwork is laid, control protocols specific to lighting, sound and machinery will be covered. The course also introduces students to Ethernet and show control protocols.
Theatrical Lighting
Introduction to stage lighting equipment and its mechanical, optical and electronic design. Hanging, alignment, focusing, maintenance and operation of various types of stage lighting fixtures. Field visits to New York rental shops or manufacturing facilities. Introduction to operation of automated fixtures and peripheral devices.